Aymara to Portuguese Translation


Common Phrases From Aymara to Portuguese

Pay sumaObrigado
Amp sumaPor favor
Jan mayampiAdeus
Kamisaraki?Como vai você?
P'ampacht'itaCom licença
Janiw yatktiNão sei
amuytwaEu entendo
Nayajj ukham amuytaEu penso que sim
Ukat jikisiñaniAté mais
Askin uñjasiñaTomar cuidado
Kunas kamachi?E aí?
Janiw impurtkitiDeixa para lá
UkhamatwaAgora mesmo

Interesting information about Aymara Language

Aymara is an indigenous language spoken by the Aymara people, primarily in Bolivia and Peru. It belongs to the family of Quechuan languages, which are native to South America. With over 2 million speakers worldwide, it holds official status in both countries alongside Spanish. The Aymaran alphabet consists of Latin characters with some additional symbols for specific sounds not found in other languages. This agglutinative language has a complex grammar system that includes suffixes indicating tense, mood, and aspect within verbs as well as noun incorporation into verb structures. Despite facing challenges from globalization and urbanization trends, efforts are being made to preserve this ancient Andean tongue through education programs and cultural initiatives.

Know About Portuguese Language

Portuguese is a Romance language, originating from Latin and primarily spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde and several other countries. It has over 220 million native speakers worldwide. Portuguese shares similarities with Spanish due to their common Latin roots; however they are distinct languages with unique grammar rules and vocabulary. The language evolved during the Age of Exploration when Portugal established colonies across Africa, Asia and South America. Today it serves as an official or co-official language in nine countries including Timor-Leste (East Timor) where it holds special status. Notable features of Portuguese include nasal vowels such as ão/ãe sounds that do not exist in many other languages. The written form uses the Latin alphabet supplemented by diacritical marks on certain letters like ç á â ê ó õ ü for pronunciation purposes.

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