Azerbaijani to Icelandic Translation


Common Phrases From Azerbaijani to Icelandic

Çox sağ olÞakka þér fyrir
Zəhmət olmasaVinsamlegast
BağışlayınÞví miður
Necəsən?Hvernig hefurðu það?
BağışlayınAfsakið mig
Mən bilmirəmÉg veit ekki
Mən başa düşürəmég skil
Mən belə düşünürəmég held það
Ola bilərKannski
Sonra görüşərikSé þig seinna
Özündən müğayət olFarðu varlega
Nə var nə yox?Hvað er að frétta?
Eybi yoxdurSkiptir engu
DərhalUndir eins

Interesting information about Azerbaijani Language

Azerbaijani, also known as Azeri or Azerbaijani Turkic, is the official language of Azerbaijan. It belongs to the southwestern branch of the Turkic language family and has over 30 million speakers worldwide. The majority of its speakers reside in Azerbaijan and Iran but it's also spoken by communities in Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Iraq and other countries. Azerbaijani uses a modified Latin alphabet since 1991 (previously Cyrillic) with some additional characters for specific sounds. Its grammar follows agglutinative patterns where suffixes are added to words for various grammatical functions such as tense or case marking. Vocabulary-wise it shares similarities with Turkish due to historical connections between these two languages while incorporating Persian loanwords too.

Know About Icelandic Language

Icelandic is a North Germanic language spoken by approximately 360,000 people in Iceland. It has its roots in Old Norse and is closely related to Faroese and Norwegian dialects. Icelandic retains many ancient features of the old Nordic languages, making it one of the most conservative living Indo-European languages today. The grammar structure follows a complex system with four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive), three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), and two numbers (singular/plural). Verbs are conjugated based on person and tense. Interestingly enough for linguists studying historical texts or sagas from medieval times written in Old Norse; modern-day Icelandic remains highly mutually intelligible due to minimal changes over centuries. Despite being geographically isolated on an island nation like Iceland itself - where English proficiency rates are high among locals - there's strong emphasis placed upon preserving their native tongue through education programs promoting linguistic heritage.

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