Danish to Estonian Translation


Common Phrases From Danish to Estonian

tak skal du haveAitäh
Vær venligPalun
Hvordan har du det?Kuidas sul läheb?
Undskyld migVabandage mind
Jeg ved ikkema ei tea
jeg forstårma saan aru
det tror jegma arvan küll
måskeVõib olla
Vi ses senereNäeme hiljem
Pas påOle tubli
Hvad så?Mis toimub?
Glem detÄra pane tähele
Med det sammeKohe
Lad os gåLähme

Interesting information about Danish Language

Danish is a North Germanic language spoken primarily in Denmark, but also by Danish communities worldwide. It belongs to the East Scandinavian branch of the Germanic family and shares similarities with Swedish and Norwegian. Around 6 million people speak Danish as their first language. The written form of Danish uses the Latin alphabet, supplemented with three additional letters: æ, ø, å. The pronunciation can be challenging for non-native speakers due to its soft consonants and specific vowel sounds. Denmark has a long literary tradition dating back to medieval times when Old Norse was used extensively in writing before evolving into Middle Low German dialects which eventually led to modern-day Danish. Danish grammar features two genders (common/neuter) along with definite/indefinite articles that change according to case and number. Verbs are conjugated based on tense/mood/voice/person/number while nouns inflect for gender/case/plurality.

Know About Estonian Language

Estonian is the official language of Estonia, a country located in Northern Europe. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric branch of languages and shares similarities with Finnish and Hungarian. Around 1.3 million people speak Estonian worldwide, primarily in Estonia but also among diaspora communities abroad. The language has an interesting phonetic system consisting of 9 vowels and numerous diphthongs that can be challenging for non-native speakers to master. Additionally, it utilizes three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter) along with extensive noun declensions. One unique feature is its abundance of vowel harmony rules which dictate how certain sounds interact within words or phrases. The writing system employs Latin script supplemented by diacritical marks such as umlauts on some letters. Despite being surrounded by countries speaking Indo-European languages like Russian or Latvian, Estonians take pride in their distinct linguistic heritage preserved throughout history.

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