English to Spanish Translation


Common Phrases From English to Spanish

Thank youGracias
PleasePor favor
SorryLo siento
How are you?¿Cómo estás?
Excuse meDisculpe
I don't knowNo sé
I understandEntiendo
I think soCreo que sí
MaybeTal vez
See you laterHasta luego
Take careCuidarse
What's up?¿Qué pasa?
Never mindNo importa
Of coursePor supuesto
Right awayDe inmediato
Let's goVamos

Interesting information about English Language

English is a widely spoken language, with over 1.5 billion people across the globe using it as their first or second language. It belongs to the Germanic branch of languages and originated in England during the Middle Ages. English has become an official or primary language in more than 70 countries worldwide, including Australia, Canada, India, Nigeria, and the United States. It is known for its extensive vocabulary which includes around 170k words currently used in everyday communication. The Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters is utilized to write English text globally. English grammar follows subject-verb-object sentence structure but also incorporates complex tenses such as past perfect continuous tense and conditional clauses that add depth to expression. The influence of British colonization led to variations like American English; however both dialects are mutually intelligible despite subtle differences in pronunciation (e.g., "color" vs "colour").

Know About Spanish Language

Spanish, also known as Castilian, is a Romance language originating from the Iberian Peninsula. With over 460 million native speakers worldwide and official status in 21 countries, it ranks second among languages by number of native speakers after Mandarin Chinese. Spanish has been heavily influenced by Latin and Arabic due to historical conquests and colonization. It uses the Latin alphabet with some additional letters like ñ. Spanish grammar follows subject-verb-object word order but allows for flexibility due to its rich inflectional system. It boasts numerous dialects across different regions such as Mexican Spanish or Argentinean Spanish. Notable literature works include Don Quixote de la Mancha written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra during Spain's Golden Age in the 17th century.

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