French to Welsh Translation


Common Phrases From French to Welsh

S'il te plaîtOs gwelwch yn dda
DésoléMae'n ddrwg gennyf
Au revoirHwyl fawr
NonNac ydw
Comment vas-tu?Sut wyt ti?
Excusez-moiEsgusodwch fi
Je ne sais pasDydw i ddim yn gwybod
Je comprendsRwy'n deall
Je pense que ouiRwy'n credu hynny
Peut êtreEfallai
À plus tardWela'i di wedyn
Prends soin de toiCymerwch ofal
Quoi de neuf?Beth sydd i fyny?
Pas graveDim ots
Bien sûrWrth gwrs
Tout de suiteAr unwaith
Allons-yAwn ni

Interesting information about French Language

French is a Romance language spoken by around 280 million people worldwide. It originated in France and has official status in numerous countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada (particularly Quebec), and several African nations. French serves as one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely used for diplomatic purposes. The French alphabet consists of 26 letters with diacritical marks such as accents or cedillas modifying pronunciation. The language employs gender-specific nouns requiring agreement between articles, adjectives, and verbs accordingly. Known for its elegance and sophistication, French has greatly influenced other languages through loanwords like ballet or cuisine. Notable literary figures include Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust while famous philosophers Descartes & Rousseau hailed from France too.

Know About Welsh Language

Welsh is a Celtic language spoken primarily in Wales, United Kingdom. It has around 750,000 speakers worldwide and holds official status in Wales alongside English. The Welsh alphabet consists of 28 letters and includes unique characters such as "ll" and "ch." This ancient language dates back over two millennia to the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages. Despite its decline during periods of English dominance, efforts have been made to revitalize it since the mid-20th century through education initiatives and increased use by public institutions. Welsh also boasts a rich literary tradition with notable works like Mabinogion being written in this enchanting tongue.

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