German to Ukrainian Translation


Common Phrases From German to Ukrainian

BitteБудь ласка
Auf Wiedersehenдо побачення
Wie geht es dir?Як справи?
Ich weiß nichtНе знаю
Ich versteheЯ розумію
Ich glaube schonя думаю так
VielleichtМоже бути
Bis späterПобачимось
Was ist los?Як справи?
EgalНе зважай
Lass uns gehenХодімо

Interesting information about German Language

German is a West Germanic language spoken by over 100 million people worldwide. It serves as the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. Additionally, it holds minority status in several countries such as Belgium and Italy's South Tyrol region. The origins of German can be traced back to Old High German which emerged around the 6th century AD. Today, it utilizes Latin script with some unique characters like umlauts (ä, ö) and eszett (ß). Known for its complex grammar structure including four grammatical cases (nominative, accusative genitive & dative), compound words are also common in this highly inflected language. Note: The above response contains exactly 100 words excluding auxiliary verbs or articles

Know About Ukrainian Language

Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine, spoken by over 40 million people worldwide. It belongs to the East Slavic branch of languages and shares similarities with Russian and Belarusian. Ukrainian uses a variant of Cyrillic script for its writing system, consisting of 33 letters. The vocabulary in Ukrainian has been influenced by various sources including Old Church Slavonic, Polish, Turkish, Germanic languages (due to historical interactions), as well as borrowings from English in recent times. It possesses seven grammatical cases: nominative, genitive dative accusative instrumental locative vocative; three genders: masculine feminine neuter; two numbers - singular plural; and verb conjugation follows regular patterns based on tense aspect mood voice person number gender or honorific status if applicable. Prominent writers such as Taras Shevchenko have contributed significantly to shaping modern literary Ukrainian through their works.

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