Hawaiian to Mongolian Translation


Common Phrases From Hawaiian to Mongolian

E ʻoluʻoluГуйя
E kala maiУучлаарай
AlohaСайн уу
Pehea ʻoe?Юу байна?
E kala mai iaʻuУучлаарай
ʻaʻole maopopo iaʻuБи мэдэхгүй
Maopopo iaʻuБи ойлгож байна
Pēlā koʻu manaʻoБи тэгж бодож байна
Malia pahaМагадгүй
A hui hou nōДараа уулзацгаая
E mālamaСанаа тавих
He aha lā?Юу байна даа?
ʻae nō hoʻiМэдээжийн хэрэг
I kēia manawaШууд
E hele kāuaЯвцгаая

Interesting information about Hawaiian Language

Hawaiian is a Polynesian language spoken by the indigenous people of Hawaii. It has around 24 letters in its alphabet and features simple phonetics, making it relatively easy to pronounce for English speakers. The Hawaiian language holds cultural significance as it was traditionally used in chants, songs, and storytelling. However, due to colonization and efforts to suppress native languages during the late 19th century onwards, Hawaiian experienced a decline in usage over time. In recent years though there has been an increased effort towards revitalizing the language with various initiatives promoting its learning and preservation. Today, there are estimated to be approximately 2,000 fluent speakers of Hawaiian along with many more learners who aim at keeping this unique linguistic heritage alive.

Know About Mongolian Language

Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and also spoken in certain regions of China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. It belongs to the Mongolic language family within the Altaic group. With over 5 million speakers worldwide, it has several dialects including Khalkha (the standard variety), Buryat, Oirat, Kalmyk-Oirat among others. The script used for writing Mongolian has evolved throughout history; currently both Cyrillic and traditional scripts are employed. The grammar follows a subject-object-verb word order with agglutinative features where suffixes indicate tense or case markings. Historically influenced by Tibetan Buddhism as well as nomadic culture and traditions prevalent in Central Asia's steppes region, Mongolian vocabulary reflects these influences along with borrowings from Russian and Chinese languages.

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