Icelandic to Albanian Translation


Common Phrases From Icelandic to Albanian

Þakka þér fyrirFaleminderit
VinsamlegastJu lutem
Því miðurNa vjen keq
Hvernig hefurðu það?Si jeni?
Afsakið migMë falni
Ég veit ekkiUne nuk e di
ég skile kuptoj
ég held þaðkeshtu mendoj
Sé þig seinnaShihemi me vone
Farðu varlegaKujdesu
Hvað er að frétta?Ckemi?
Skiptir enguMos u mërzit
Undir einsMenjehere

Interesting information about Icelandic Language

Icelandic is a North Germanic language spoken by approximately 360,000 people in Iceland. It has its roots in Old Norse and is closely related to Faroese and Norwegian dialects. Icelandic retains many ancient features of the old Nordic languages, making it one of the most conservative living Indo-European languages today. The grammar structure follows a complex system with four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive), three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), and two numbers (singular/plural). Verbs are conjugated based on person and tense. Interestingly enough for linguists studying historical texts or sagas from medieval times written in Old Norse; modern-day Icelandic remains highly mutually intelligible due to minimal changes over centuries. Despite being geographically isolated on an island nation like Iceland itself - where English proficiency rates are high among locals - there's strong emphasis placed upon preserving their native tongue through education programs promoting linguistic heritage.

Know About Albanian Language

Albanian is an Indo-European language primarily spoken in Albania and Kosovo, with significant communities of speakers also found in North Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Turkey. It has around 7 million native speakers worldwide. Albanian consists of two main dialects: Gheg (spoken mainly in the north) and Tosk (spoken mainly in the south). The alphabet used to write Albanian is called "Elbasan script" or simply "Albanian alphabet," consisting of 36 letters. Interestingly enough, it's one of a few languages that have preserved their original sound system from ancient times until today. Moreover, Albanians are known for their strong sense of national identity tied closely to their unique language.

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