Indonesian to Azerbaijani Translation


Common Phrases From Indonesian to Azerbaijani

Terima kasihÇox sağ ol
SilakanZəhmət olmasa
Selamat tinggalsağol
Apa kabarmu?Necəsən?
Saya tidak tahuMən bilmirəm
saya mengertiMən başa düşürəm
Saya kira demikianMən belə düşünürəm
MungkinOla bilər
Sampai jumpa lagiSonra görüşərik
Hati-hatiÖzündən müğayət ol
Ada apa?Nə var nə yox?
SudahlahEybi yoxdur
Tentu sajaƏlbəttə
Ayo pergiGedək

Interesting information about Indonesian Language

Indonesian, also known as Bahasa Indonesia, is the official language of Indonesia. It is spoken by over 270 million people and serves as a lingua franca among diverse ethnic groups in the country. Indonesian belongs to the Austronesian language family and shares similarities with Malay due to historical connections. The modern form of Indonesian emerged during Dutch colonial rule when it was used for administrative purposes. After gaining independence in 1945, efforts were made to standardize and promote its use nationwide. Grammatically simple compared to many other languages, Indonesian does not have verb tenses or noun genders but relies on context instead. Its vocabulary draws from various sources including Sanskrit, Arabic, Portuguese,and English. Overall,the widespread usage of Indonesian has helped foster national unity across thousands of islands that make up Indonesia's archipelago nation

Know About Azerbaijani Language

Azerbaijani, also known as Azeri or Azerbaijani Turkic, is the official language of Azerbaijan. It belongs to the southwestern branch of the Turkic language family and has over 30 million speakers worldwide. The majority of its speakers reside in Azerbaijan and Iran but it's also spoken by communities in Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Iraq and other countries. Azerbaijani uses a modified Latin alphabet since 1991 (previously Cyrillic) with some additional characters for specific sounds. Its grammar follows agglutinative patterns where suffixes are added to words for various grammatical functions such as tense or case marking. Vocabulary-wise it shares similarities with Turkish due to historical connections between these two languages while incorporating Persian loanwords too.

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