Italian to Sindhi Translation


Common Phrases From Italian to Sindhi

Grazieتنهنجي مهرباني
Per favoreمهرباني ڪري
Arrivederciخدا حافظ
Come stai?تون ڪيئن آهين؟
Mi scusiمعاف ڪجو
Non lo soمون کي ناهي خبر
Capiscoمان سمجهان ٿو
credo di siمان ايئن ٿو سمجهان
Forseٿي سگهي ٿو
Arrivederciبعد ۾ ملون ٿا
Occuparsiخيال رکجو
Che cosa succede?ڇا حال آهي؟
Non importaدل ۾ نه ڪجو
Al momentoفوري طور
Andiamoاچو ته هلون

Interesting information about Italian Language

Italian is a Romance language spoken by approximately 85 million people worldwide. It originated in Italy and has official status there, as well as in Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, and some regions of Croatia and Slovenia. Italian shares many similarities with other Romance languages such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. Its alphabet consists of 21 letters without the inclusion of J,K,W,X or Y; however these are occasionally used for loanwords from foreign languages. Notably known for its musicality and expressive nature when spoken or sung due to its abundant use of vowels sounds which contribute to its melodic rhythm.

Know About Sindhi Language

Sindhi is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken in the Sindh region of Pakistan and parts of India. It belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of languages, with historical influences from Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, and Dravidian languages. Sindhi has its own unique script known as "Arabic-Sindhi" or "Khudabadi," although it can also be written in Devanagari script. With over 40 million speakers worldwide, Sindhi holds official status in Pakistan's province of Sindh. The language exhibits a rich literary tradition dating back centuries; notable works include Shah Jo Risalo by Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. Sindhis have made significant contributions to trade and commerce due to their diaspora across various countries like India, Pakistan (especially Karachi), United Arab Emirates (UAE), United States (US), Canada etc., where they continue preserving their linguistic heritage through cultural events and organizations dedicated to promoting Sindhi literature

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