Latin to Dhivehi Translation


Common Phrases From Latin to Dhivehi

Gratias tibiޝުކުރިއްޔާ
Ignosceމަޢާފަށް އެދެން
Salveއައްސަލާމް ޢަލައިކުމް
Valeވަރަށް ސަލާން
Quid agis?ހާލު ކިހިނެތް?
Nescioއަހަންނަކަށް ނޭނގެ
intelligoއަހަންނަށް ފަހުމް ވޭ
Puto sicއަޅުގަނޑަށް ހީވަނީ އެހެން
Te visurumފަހުން ފެންނާނެ ކަމަށް އުންމީދުކުރަން
Quid novi?ކޮންކަމެއް އޮތީ?
numquam sapiuntއަޅާނުލާ
Ilicetހަމަ އެވަގުތު
Abeamusހިނގާ ދާން

Interesting information about Latin Language

Latin is an ancient Indo-European language that originated in the region of Latium, Italy. It was spoken by the Romans and became their official written language during the Roman Empire's peak. Latin has had a significant influence on many modern languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Its alphabet consists of 23 letters with no distinction between uppercase and lowercase forms. The grammar structure is highly inflected with six cases for nouns (nominative, genitive, dative accusative ablative), three genders (masculine feminine neuter), four verb conjugations based on tense mood voice number person aspects as well as various declensions for adjectives pronouns numerals articles etcetera

Know About Dhivehi Language

Dhivehi, also known as Maldivian, is the official language of the Republic of Maldives. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan family and shares similarities with Sinhala spoken in Sri Lanka. Dhivehi has its own unique script called Thaana which consists of 24 letters derived from Arabic numerals. With around 350,000 native speakers primarily residing in the Maldives archipelago, it serves as their mother tongue for everyday communication and writing purposes. Historically influenced by various languages including Sanskrit and Tamil due to trade relations across South Asia over centuries; however today's Dhivehi vocabulary predominantly comprises loanwords from English following British colonial influence during early-20th century.

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