Latin to Krio Translation


Common Phrases From Latin to Krio

Gratias tibiTɛnki
Quid agis?Aw di bɔdi?
ignoscasSɔri ya
NescioA nɔ no
intelligoa ɔndastand
Puto sicA tink se na so i bi
Te visurumSi bak
CuraeTek kia
Quid novi?Wetin na di nyus?
numquam sapiuntI nɔ impɔtant
ScilicetNa tru
IlicetWantɛm wantɛm
AbeamusMek wi go

Interesting information about Latin Language

Latin is an ancient Indo-European language that originated in the region of Latium, Italy. It was spoken by the Romans and became their official written language during the Roman Empire's peak. Latin has had a significant influence on many modern languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Its alphabet consists of 23 letters with no distinction between uppercase and lowercase forms. The grammar structure is highly inflected with six cases for nouns (nominative, genitive, dative accusative ablative), three genders (masculine feminine neuter), four verb conjugations based on tense mood voice number person aspects as well as various declensions for adjectives pronouns numerals articles etcetera

Know About Krio Language

Krio is a creole language primarily spoken in Sierra Leone, West Africa. It originated during the 18th and 19th centuries as a lingua franca among African slaves brought to Freetown by British colonizers. Krio developed from English but incorporated elements of various African languages such as Mende, Temne, Yoruba, and Igbo. Today, it serves as one of Sierra Leone's national languages alongside English. With an estimated four million speakers across different ethnic groups and regions within the country, Krio plays a significant role in communication between diverse communities. The grammar structure resembles that of other Creoles with simplified verb conjugation patterns and minimal grammatical inflections. While its vocabulary draws heavily from English words adapted phonetically or semantically into local usage contexts; some Portuguese loanwords can also be found due to early contact through trade routes. Overall, Krio reflects both historical influences on Sierra Leonean society while serving as an important tool for cultural unity throughout the nation today

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