Lithuanian to Dogri Translation


Common Phrases From Lithuanian to Dogri

Ačiūथुआढ़ा धन्नवाद
Prašauकिरपा करियै
Atsiprašauमाफ करो
Viso geroअलविदा
Kaip laikaisi?थुआढ़ा केह् हाल ऐ?
Atsiprašauमिगी माफ करेओ
Nežinauमिगी नेईं पता
aš suprantuमें समझनां
aš taip manauमैं ऐसा सोचदा हां
Gal būtहोई सकदा ऐ
Pasimatysime vėliauबाद च मिलने आं
Rūpinkitėsध्यान रक्खेओ
Kas atsitiko?केह् हाल ऐ?
Nesvarbuकोई गल्ल नेईं
Iš kartoतुरंत ही
Eimeचलो चलो

Interesting information about Lithuanian Language

Lithuanian is the official language of Lithuania, a country in Eastern Europe. It belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European languages and has around 3 million speakers worldwide. Lithuanian holds several unique distinctions: it is one of only two living Baltic languages (the other being Latvian) and considered one of the oldest spoken languages in Europe today. It boasts an extensive vocabulary with over 800,000 words due to its rich historical heritage and cultural influences from neighboring countries like Poland, Russia, Belarus, Germany, and Scandinavia. The language employs a Latin-based alphabet but includes diacritical marks for specific sounds not present in most European alphabets.

Know About Dogri Language

Dogri is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It belongs to the Northwestern group of languages within the Indo-Aryan family. With over 2 million speakers, Dogri holds official status in Jammu and Kashmir alongside Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, and English. The origins of Dogri can be traced back to Sanskrit as it shares a significant vocabulary with this ancient language. However, it also incorporates influences from Persian, Arabic, Punjabi, and other regional dialects. It has its own unique script called Takri but is predominantly written using Devanagari or Perso-Arabic scripts today due to historical reasons. Notable literary figures have contributed significantly towards enriching Dogri literature which includes poetry collections (kavitayen), folk songs (lok-geet), short stories (kahaniyan) among others.

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