Maithili to Georgian Translation


Common Phrases From Maithili to Georgian

अहां कें धन्यवादᲒმადლობთ
माफ क दियᲑოდიში
अहांक कोना छी?Როგორ ხარ?
क्षमा करुᲣკაცრავად
हम नाय जानय छीᲛე არ ვიცი
हम बुझैत छीმე მესმის
हमरा तऽ एना बुझाइत अछिასე ვფიქრობ
बाद मे भेट होएतᲛოგვიანებით გნახავ
ख्याल राखूᲘზრუნოს
की होब करय अछि?Რა ხდება?
कोनो गप्प नहिᲓაიკიდე
अवश्यᲠა თქმა უნდა

Interesting information about Maithili Language

Maithili is an Indo-Aryan language spoken primarily in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal. It has over 35 million speakers worldwide, making it one of the major languages in India. Maithili holds a rich literary tradition with ancient texts dating back to the 12th century. The script used for writing Maithili is derived from Brahmi and resembles Devanagari or Tirhuta scripts. It shares similarities with other Eastern Indic languages like Bengali, Assamese, and Oriya but also exhibits influences from Sanskrit vocabulary. Historically marginalized by Hindi dominance during British rule, efforts have been made to revive its status as an official regional language recognized by Indian authorities since independence. Prominent figures such as Vidyapati Thakur contributed significantly towards establishing Maithili's cultural identity through their poetry and literature.

Know About Georgian Language

Georgian is the official language of Georgia, a country located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. It belongs to the Kartvelian family and has its own unique alphabet consisting of 33 letters. Georgian is one of the oldest living languages with a rich literary tradition dating back over 1,500 years. The language boasts numerous dialects but maintains mutual intelligibility among speakers across regions. Its grammar structure differs from most Indo-European languages as it lacks gender distinctions or articles while employing an agglutinative verb system. Georgian serves as both written and spoken communication for approximately four million people worldwide, primarily in Georgia itself where it holds significant cultural importance alongside other ethnic minority languages such as Abkhaz and Ossetic.

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