Marathi to Yiddish Translation


Common Phrases From Marathi to Yiddish

निरोपזייַ געזונט
तू कसा आहेस?וואס מאכסטו?
मला माफ कराאנטשולדיגט מיר
मला माहीत नाहीאיך וויס נישט
मला समजतेאיך פארשטיי
मला असे वाटतेאיך טראכט אזוי
कदाचितזאל זיין
पुन्हा भेटूמען וועט זיך זעהן
काळजी घ्याהיט זיך
काय चालू आहे?וואס טוט זיך?
हरकत नाहीמאכט נישט אויס
लगेचשוין יעצט
चल जाऊयाלאמיר גיין

Interesting information about Marathi Language

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken by around 83 million people in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It holds the status of being one of India's official languages, recognized as such by the Constitution. Marathi has a rich history dating back to at least 900 AD and evolved from Maharashtri Prakrit, an ancient form of Prakrit. With its own unique script derived from Devanagari, Marathi boasts a vast literary tradition that includes notable works like Jnaneshwari and Tukaram Gatha. The language exhibits regional variations across different parts of Maharashtra but remains intelligible throughout due to its strong linguistic roots. In recent years, efforts have been made to promote Marathi through various mediums including literature festivals, theater productions, films (such as Sairat), television shows (like Ka Re Durava), and music albums showcasing diverse genres like Powada or Lavani alongside modern pop songs.

Know About Yiddish Language

Yiddish is a Germanic language spoken by Ashkenazi Jews. It originated in the 9th century and developed as a fusion of Hebrew, Aramaic, Old French, Slavic languages (primarily Polish), and other local dialects. Yiddish was primarily used among Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe until World War II when it faced severe decline due to persecution during the Holocaust. Today, approximately one million people speak or understand Yiddish worldwide. The language uses an adapted version of the Hebrew alphabet with some additional characters for specific sounds. Notably rich in vocabulary related to everyday life, culture, humor,and religion,Yiddish serves as an important link between generations preserving Jewish heritage through literature,theater,music,and film.

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