Persian to Odia Translation


Common Phrases From Persian to Odia

لطفاଦୟାକରି |
متاسفଦୁ Sorry ଖିତ
چطور هستید؟କେମିତି ଅଛନ୍ତି, କେମିତି ଅଛ?
ببخشیدକ୍ଷମା କରନ୍ତୁ
من نمی دانمମୁଁ ଜାଣି ନାହିଁ
من میفهممମୁ ବୁଝିଲି
من هم اینچنین فکر میکنمମୁଁ ଭାବୁଛି
شایدବୋଧ ହୁଏ
بعدا میبینمتପରେ ଦେଖା ହେବ
مراقب باشଯତ୍ନ ନିଅ
چه خبر؟କଣ ଚାଲିଛି?
بیخیالଆଦ mind ଚିନ୍ତା କର ନାହିଁ |
بیا بریمଚାଲ ଯିବା

Interesting information about Persian Language

Persian, also known as Farsi, is an Indo-European language primarily spoken in Iran and parts of Afghanistan. With over 110 million speakers worldwide, it holds official status in both countries. Persian has a rich history dating back to ancient times and was the literary language used by poets such as Rumi and Hafez during the Islamic Golden Age. The Persian alphabet consists of 32 letters derived from Arabic script with four additional characters specific to this language. It is written right-to-left like other languages influenced by Arabic writing systems. Persian vocabulary draws heavily from Arabic but retains its own unique grammatical structure distinct from most European languages. Its grammar follows subject-object-verb word order while utilizing complex verb conjugations for tense variations. Despite regional dialectal differences within Iran itself, Standard Persian remains widely understood throughout the country due to media influence and education policies promoting linguistic unity among Iranians.

Know About Odia Language

Odia, also known as Oriya, is a language primarily spoken in the Indian state of Odisha. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of languages and has over 50 million native speakers. The script used for writing Odia is called "Odia Lipi," which evolved from ancient Brahmi scripts. The history of Odia dates back to around 9th century CE when it emerged as an independent language influenced by Sanskrit. It gained recognition as one of India's classical languages in 2014 due to its rich literary heritage. Odia literature encompasses various genres like poetry, prose, novels, essays, and plays. Famed poets such as Sarala Das and Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja have greatly contributed towards enriching this vibrant literary tradition. Apart from being widely spoken within Odisha itself; significant communities speaking or understanding the language can be found across neighboring states like Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal too.

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