Russian to Uyghur Translation


Common Phrases From Russian to Uyghur

Спасибоرەھمەت سىزگە
До свиданияخەير خوش
Как вы?قانداق ئەھۋالىڭىز؟
Прошу прощенияكەچۈرۈڭ
Я не знаюبىلمەيمەن
Я понимаюچۈشەندىم
я так думаюمېنىڭچە شۇنداق
Может бытьمۇمكىن
Увидимся позжеكېيىن كۆرۈشەيلى
Заботитьсяپەرۋىش قىلىڭ
Как дела?نېمە بولدى؟
Неважноھەرگىز ئۇنداق ئەمەس

Interesting information about Russian Language

Russian is an East Slavic language and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. It boasts over 260 million speakers worldwide, making it the eighth most spoken language globally. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, with a unique script called Cyrillic. Known for its complex grammar system, Russian has three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter) and six cases that determine noun endings based on their role in a sentence. The literary form of Russian originated during medieval times but underwent significant changes throughout history due to cultural influences from neighboring countries like Poland and France. Notably rich in literature classics by authors such as Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Russian also serves as lingua franca among many former Soviet Union nations due to historical ties. Furthermore, it is widely used in science fields including space exploration where Russia plays a prominent role. Overall,the diverse linguistic features combined with its widespread usage make learning Russian both challenging yet rewarding for individuals interested in exploring this fascinating language

Know About Uyghur Language

Uyghur is a Turkic language primarily spoken by the Uyghur people, who are predominantly located in Xinjiang province of China. It belongs to the Karluk branch of Turkic languages and has approximately 10 million speakers worldwide. The Uyghur script is based on Arabic alphabet with additional modifications for phonetic sounds specific to this language. The grammar follows an agglutinative structure where suffixes are added to root words to indicate tense, mood or case. Vocabulary-wise, it draws influences from Persian, Arabic and Russian due to historical interactions along Silk Road trade routes. Despite being recognized as one of China's official minority languages since 1982, there have been concerns about restrictions imposed on its usage and preservation in recent years.

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