Sanskrit to Macedonian Translation


Common Phrases From Sanskrit to Macedonian

धन्यवादВи благодарам
कृपयाВе молам
भवान्‌ कथमसि?Како си?
क्षमा प्रयच्छ मेИзвини ме
अहं जानामि माне знам
अहम्‌ अवगच्छामिразбирам
अहं तथा मन्येТака мислам
तत् पश्चात् अहं त्वां पश्यामिСе гледаме подоцна
अभिरक्षयЧувај се
अन्यत् किं?Што има?
चिंतां मास्तुНе е важно
सद्यः एवВеднаш
गच्छामःДа одиме

Interesting information about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-Aryan language, holds great historical and cultural significance. It is considered the mother of all languages in India and has influenced numerous modern Indian languages. Sanskrit's origin can be traced back to around 1500 BCE when it was used as a sacred language for Hindu rituals and religious texts like the Vedas. Known for its complex grammar system with precise rules, Sanskrit boasts an extensive vocabulary that includes over one lakh words (100,000+). Its script consists of Devanagari characters which are also utilized by several contemporary Indian languages such as Hindi and Marathi. Despite being primarily classical now, efforts continue to revive spoken Sanskrit through various educational institutions worldwide.

Know About Macedonian Language

Macedonian is an official language spoken by approximately 2 million people primarily in North Macedonia and the Macedonian diaspora. It belongs to the South Slavic branch of Indo-European languages, closely related to Bulgarian but with distinct phonological and grammatical features. The Cyrillic script is used for writing Macedonian since its standardization in 1945, replacing a previous version based on Serbian orthography. Its vocabulary has influences from Greek, Turkish, Albanian, Romanian and other neighboring languages due to historical interactions within the region. Notably rich in dialects across different regions of North Macedonia, it remains mutually intelligible among speakers throughout the country despite some minor variations.

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