Sanskrit to Somali Translation


Common Phrases From Sanskrit to Somali

क्षम्यताम्‌Waan ka xumahay
पुनर्दर्शनायnabad gelyo
भवान्‌ कथमसि?Sidee tahay?
क्षमा प्रयच्छ मेRaali noqo
अहं जानामि माMa garanayo
अहम्‌ अवगच्छामिwaan fahmay
अहं तथा मन्येsidaas ayaan u maleynayaa
भवेत्‌Waxaa laga yaabaa in
तत् पश्चात् अहं त्वां पश्यामिis arag danbe
अभिरक्षयIska ilaali
अन्यत् किं?Maxaa jira?
चिंतां मास्तुWaligaa ha ka welwelin
सद्यः एवIsla markiiba
गच्छामःAan tagno

Interesting information about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-Aryan language, holds great historical and cultural significance. It is considered the mother of all languages in India and has influenced numerous modern Indian languages. Sanskrit's origin can be traced back to around 1500 BCE when it was used as a sacred language for Hindu rituals and religious texts like the Vedas. Known for its complex grammar system with precise rules, Sanskrit boasts an extensive vocabulary that includes over one lakh words (100,000+). Its script consists of Devanagari characters which are also utilized by several contemporary Indian languages such as Hindi and Marathi. Despite being primarily classical now, efforts continue to revive spoken Sanskrit through various educational institutions worldwide.

Know About Somali Language

Somali is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Somali people, primarily in Somalia and neighboring regions of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, and Yemen. It belongs to the Cushitic branch within this language family. With over 15 million native speakers worldwide, it serves as a lingua franca for various ethnic groups in East Africa. The Somali script utilizes Latin characters with additional diacritical marks to represent unique phonemes such as retroflex consonants. The language has several dialects including Northern (Isaaq), Central (Hawiye), Southern (Digil-Mirifle), and Maay. Grammar-wise, Somali follows a subject-object-verb word order along with extensive use of noun inflections indicating case relations like nominative/accusative or genitive/directional cases; there are no grammatical gender distinctions nor definite/indefinite articles. Overall, Somali stands out due to its rich oral tradition encompassing poetry known as "maanso" which plays a significant cultural role among Somalis globally.

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