Serbian to Basque Translation


Common Phrases From Serbian to Basque

Хвала вамEskerrik asko
Молимо васMesedez
Извињавам сеBarkatu
Како си?Zelan zaude?
Не знамEz dakit
разумемulertzen dut
Мислим да је такоhori uste dut
Видимо се каснијеGero arte
Брини сеKontuz ibili
Шта има?Zer gertatzen da?
Нема везеBerdin dio
ОдмахOraintxe bertan

Interesting information about Serbian Language

Serbian is a South Slavic language primarily spoken in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and other Balkan countries. It belongs to the Indo-European language family and uses the Cyrillic script as its official alphabet (although Latin script is also used). Serbian has around 12 million native speakers worldwide. The grammar of Serbian includes three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), seven cases for nouns/pronouns/adjectives (nominative genitive dative accusative vocative instrumental locative), two numbers (singular/plural) with complex declension patterns. The phonology involves consonant clusters at word boundaries but lacks palatalization found in some neighboring languages like Russian or Polish. Lexically influenced by various cultures throughout history including Byzantine Greek influence during medieval times; Turkish loanwords from Ottoman Empire rule; Germanic influences through Austro-Hungarian administration; French vocabulary due to cultural connections etc., making it richly diverse linguistically.

Know About Basque Language

Basque, also known as Euskara, is a unique and ancient language spoken in the Basque Country region of northern Spain and southwestern France. It is considered an isolate language with no known linguistic relatives. With over 700,000 speakers worldwide, it holds official status in the Spanish autonomous regions of Basque Country and Navarre. The origins of this pre-Indo-European language remain mysterious to linguists. Its complex grammar structure includes agglutination (adding affixes) for word formation rather than relying on word order or inflectional endings like most languages do. Despite historical pressures from neighboring Romance languages such as Spanish and French, efforts have been made to preserve Basque through education initiatives promoting bilingualism among younger generations. Today there are various dialects within the Basque-speaking community but Standardized Batua serves as a unified written form across all regions.

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