Serbian to Lingala Translation


Common Phrases From Serbian to Lingala

Хвала вамMatondi
Молимо васPalado
Извињавам сеBolimbisi
Како си?Boni?
ИзвинитеLimbisi nga
Не знамNayebi te
разумемnakangi ntina
Мислим да је такоNakanisi ete ezali bongo
МождаMbala mosusu
Видимо се каснијеTomonani
Брини сеKotya likebi
Шта има?Nini ya sika?
Нема везеLikambo te
НаравноYa solo
ОдмахMbala moko

Interesting information about Serbian Language

Serbian is a South Slavic language primarily spoken in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and other Balkan countries. It belongs to the Indo-European language family and uses the Cyrillic script as its official alphabet (although Latin script is also used). Serbian has around 12 million native speakers worldwide. The grammar of Serbian includes three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), seven cases for nouns/pronouns/adjectives (nominative genitive dative accusative vocative instrumental locative), two numbers (singular/plural) with complex declension patterns. The phonology involves consonant clusters at word boundaries but lacks palatalization found in some neighboring languages like Russian or Polish. Lexically influenced by various cultures throughout history including Byzantine Greek influence during medieval times; Turkish loanwords from Ottoman Empire rule; Germanic influences through Austro-Hungarian administration; French vocabulary due to cultural connections etc., making it richly diverse linguistically.

Know About Lingala Language

Lingala is a Bantu language spoken by over 10 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries. It serves as one of the national languages alongside French, Swahili, and others. Lingala originated from trade interactions between local communities along the Congo River during colonial times. It has three main dialects: Standard Lingala used for official purposes; Spoken or Urban Lingala common among city dwellers; and Bangi-Langhi variant prevalent near Kinshasa. The language uses a Latin-based alphabet with additional diacritical marks to represent unique sounds. Notably, due to its widespread use across regions within DRC, it plays an essential role in fostering communication amongst diverse ethnic groups who speak different native tongues.

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