Sinhala to English Translation


Common Phrases From Sinhala to English

ඔයාට ස්තූතියිThank you
ඔයාට කොහොම ද?How are you?
මට සමාවෙන්නExcuse me
මම දන්නේ නැහැI don't know
මට තේරෙනවාI understand
මම එසේ සිතනවාI think so
සමහර විටMaybe
ඔයාව පසුව හමුවෙන්නම්See you later
ප්රවේසම් වන්නTake care
මොකක් ද වෙන්නේ?What's up?
ගණන් ගන්න එපාNever mind
ඇත්ත වශයෙන්Of course
කෙලින්මRight away
අපි යමුLet's go

Interesting information about Sinhala Language

Sinhala, also known as Sinhalese, is the official language of Sri Lanka and spoken by approximately 16 million people. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of languages and has a rich history dating back over two millennia. The script used for writing Sinhala is derived from ancient Brahmi scripts with its own unique characters. Sinhala vocabulary draws influence from Sanskrit, Pali (an ancient Buddhist language), Tamil, English, Dutch and Portuguese due to historical interactions with neighboring countries during different periods. Its grammar follows a subject-verb-object word order pattern. The Sinhala alphabet consists of 56 letters including consonants and vowels that are combined in various ways to form words. There are several dialects within the language based on regional variations across Sri Lanka but Standard Colloquial Sinhalese serves as a common variant understood throughout the country. In addition to being widely spoken in Sri Lanka's urban areas like Colombo or Kandy, it holds significant importance among rural communities where traditional customs prevail alongside modern influences.

Know About English Language

English is a widely spoken language, with over 1.5 billion people across the globe using it as their first or second language. It belongs to the Germanic branch of languages and originated in England during the Middle Ages. English has become an official or primary language in more than 70 countries worldwide, including Australia, Canada, India, Nigeria, and the United States. It is known for its extensive vocabulary which includes around 170k words currently used in everyday communication. The Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters is utilized to write English text globally. English grammar follows subject-verb-object sentence structure but also incorporates complex tenses such as past perfect continuous tense and conditional clauses that add depth to expression. The influence of British colonization led to variations like American English; however both dialects are mutually intelligible despite subtle differences in pronunciation (e.g., "color" vs "colour").

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