Somali to Basque Translation


Common Phrases From Somali to Basque

MahadsanidEskerrik asko
Waan ka xumahayBarkatu
nabad gelyoAgur
Sidee tahay?Zelan zaude?
Raali noqoBarkatu
Ma garanayoEz dakit
waan fahmayulertzen dut
sidaas ayaan u maleynayaahori uste dut
Waxaa laga yaabaa inAgian
is arag danbeGero arte
Iska ilaaliKontuz ibili
Maxaa jira?Zer gertatzen da?
Waligaa ha ka welwelinBerdin dio
Isla markiibaOraintxe bertan
Aan tagnoGoazen

Interesting information about Somali Language

Somali is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Somali people, primarily in Somalia and neighboring regions of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, and Yemen. It belongs to the Cushitic branch within this language family. With over 15 million native speakers worldwide, it serves as a lingua franca for various ethnic groups in East Africa. The Somali script utilizes Latin characters with additional diacritical marks to represent unique phonemes such as retroflex consonants. The language has several dialects including Northern (Isaaq), Central (Hawiye), Southern (Digil-Mirifle), and Maay. Grammar-wise, Somali follows a subject-object-verb word order along with extensive use of noun inflections indicating case relations like nominative/accusative or genitive/directional cases; there are no grammatical gender distinctions nor definite/indefinite articles. Overall, Somali stands out due to its rich oral tradition encompassing poetry known as "maanso" which plays a significant cultural role among Somalis globally.

Know About Basque Language

Basque, also known as Euskara, is a unique and ancient language spoken in the Basque Country region of northern Spain and southwestern France. It is considered an isolate language with no known linguistic relatives. With over 700,000 speakers worldwide, it holds official status in the Spanish autonomous regions of Basque Country and Navarre. The origins of this pre-Indo-European language remain mysterious to linguists. Its complex grammar structure includes agglutination (adding affixes) for word formation rather than relying on word order or inflectional endings like most languages do. Despite historical pressures from neighboring Romance languages such as Spanish and French, efforts have been made to preserve Basque through education initiatives promoting bilingualism among younger generations. Today there are various dialects within the Basque-speaking community but Standardized Batua serves as a unified written form across all regions.

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