Sundanese to Somali Translation


Common Phrases From Sundanese to Somali

hatur nuhunMahadsanid
HapuntenWaan ka xumahay
Dadahnabad gelyo
Kumaha damang?Sidee tahay?
HapuntenRaali noqo
Abdi henteu terangMa garanayo
Abdi ngartoswaan fahmay
abdi pikir kitusidaas ayaan u maleynayaa
Tiasa waéWaxaa laga yaabaa in
Pendak deui engkéis arag danbe
Ati-atiIska ilaali
Kumaha kabarna?Maxaa jira?
Henteu kunanaonWaligaa ha ka welwelin
LangsungIsla markiiba
Hayu angkatAan tagno

Interesting information about Sundanese Language

Sundanese is a language spoken by the Sundanese people, who primarily reside in West Java, Indonesia. It belongs to the Austronesian language family and has around 40 million speakers worldwide. The script used for writing Sundanese is called "Aksara Sunda," which evolved from ancient Brahmi scripts. The grammar of Sundanese follows subject-verb-object word order and employs affixation to indicate tense, voice, aspect, and other grammatical features. There are three levels of speech registers: formal (used with superiors or strangers), informal (with friends or peers), and colloquial (for close relationships). Sundanese vocabulary reflects influences from Sanskrit as well as Javanese languages due to historical interactions between cultures. Traditional arts like wayang golek puppetry often incorporate songs performed in this melodious tongue.

Know About Somali Language

Somali is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Somali people, primarily in Somalia and neighboring regions of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, and Yemen. It belongs to the Cushitic branch within this language family. With over 15 million native speakers worldwide, it serves as a lingua franca for various ethnic groups in East Africa. The Somali script utilizes Latin characters with additional diacritical marks to represent unique phonemes such as retroflex consonants. The language has several dialects including Northern (Isaaq), Central (Hawiye), Southern (Digil-Mirifle), and Maay. Grammar-wise, Somali follows a subject-object-verb word order along with extensive use of noun inflections indicating case relations like nominative/accusative or genitive/directional cases; there are no grammatical gender distinctions nor definite/indefinite articles. Overall, Somali stands out due to its rich oral tradition encompassing poetry known as "maanso" which plays a significant cultural role among Somalis globally.

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