Tajik to Amharic Translation


Common Phrases From Tajik to Amharic

Хайрበህና ሁን
Шумо чӣ хелед?ስላም?
Ман намедонамአላውቅም
ман мефаҳмамገባኝ
Мумкин киምን አልባት
То дидорደህና ሁን
Парвояшро кунተጠንቀቅ
Чӣ хабар?እንደአት ነው?
Фикрашро накунግድ የሌም
Албаттаእርግጥ ነው

Interesting information about Tajik Language

Tajik is a Persian language spoken primarily in Tajikistan, where it serves as the official language. It also has significant communities of speakers in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. As part of the Indo-Iranian branch of languages, Tajik shares similarities with other Iranian languages such as Farsi (Persian) and Dari. With over 5 million native speakers worldwide, it utilizes the Cyrillic script for writing purposes since Soviet times; however, there are ongoing efforts to reintroduce Perso-Arabic script due to cultural ties with Iran. The vocabulary consists mainly of words derived from Persian but incorporates loanwords from Russian and Arabic too.

Know About Amharic Language

Amharic is a Semitic language spoken by millions of people primarily in Ethiopia. It serves as the official working language and one of the most widely used languages in the country. With its origins dating back to ancient times, Amharic has evolved into a complex linguistic system with unique features. The script used for writing this Afro-Asiatic language is called Fidel, consisting of 33 basic characters representing consonants combined with vowel modifications. Notably rich in vocabulary and grammar, Amharic boasts an extensive verb morphology that includes tense markers indicating past or future events. Additionally, it employs various grammatical constructions such as subject-object-verb word order and gender agreement between nouns and adjectives. Despite being predominantly spoken within Ethiopian borders, Amharic holds cultural significance beyond national boundaries due to Ethiopia's historical influence on African politics and religion throughout centuries.

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