Yoruba to Tajik Translation


Common Phrases From Yoruba to Tajik

e dupeсипос
Ma binuБубахшед
Pẹlẹ oСалом
O dabọХайр
Bawo ni o se wa?Шумо чӣ хелед?
Mo tọrọ gafaraМебахшед
Emi ko mọМан намедонам
O ye miман мефаҳмам
mo ro bẹҳамфикрам
BoyaМумкин ки
Ma a ri e laipeТо дидор
O dabọПарвояшро кун
Kilode?Чӣ хабар?
Maṣe yọ nuФикрашро накун
Ni bayiЯкбора
Jeka loРафтем

Interesting information about Yoruba Language

Yoruba is a Niger-Congo language spoken primarily by the Yoruba people in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. It belongs to the Volta-Niger branch of languages within this family. With approximately 20 million native speakers worldwide, it is one of Africa's largest languages. The Yoruba writing system was developed during the early 19th century using Latin script with some modifications for specific sounds not found in English or other European languages. It has several dialects but Standard Yoruba (known as "Ede-Yorùbá") serves as a lingua franca among different groups speaking various dialects across regions where it is spoken. Yorùbá exhibits tonal qualities with three basic tones: high, mid-level and low pitch variations that give words distinct meanings depending on tone placement.

Know About Tajik Language

Tajik is a Persian language spoken primarily in Tajikistan, where it serves as the official language. It also has significant communities of speakers in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. As part of the Indo-Iranian branch of languages, Tajik shares similarities with other Iranian languages such as Farsi (Persian) and Dari. With over 5 million native speakers worldwide, it utilizes the Cyrillic script for writing purposes since Soviet times; however, there are ongoing efforts to reintroduce Perso-Arabic script due to cultural ties with Iran. The vocabulary consists mainly of words derived from Persian but incorporates loanwords from Russian and Arabic too.

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