French to Gujarati Translation


Common Phrases From French to Gujarati

S'il te plaîtમહેરબાની કરીને
Désoléમાફ કરશો
Au revoirઆવજો
Comment vas-tu?તમે કેમ છો?
Excusez-moiમાફ કરશો
Je ne sais pasમને ખબર નથી
Je comprendsહુ સમજયો
Je pense que ouiમને લાગે છે
Peut êtreકદાચ
À plus tardપછી મળીશું
Prends soin de toiકાળજી રાખજો
Quoi de neuf?શું ચાલી રહ્યું છે?
Pas graveકંઈ વાંધો નહીં
Bien sûrઅલબત્ત
Tout de suiteતરત જ
Allons-yચાલો જઇએ

Interesting information about French Language

French is a Romance language spoken by around 280 million people worldwide. It originated in France and has official status in numerous countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada (particularly Quebec), and several African nations. French serves as one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely used for diplomatic purposes. The French alphabet consists of 26 letters with diacritical marks such as accents or cedillas modifying pronunciation. The language employs gender-specific nouns requiring agreement between articles, adjectives, and verbs accordingly. Known for its elegance and sophistication, French has greatly influenced other languages through loanwords like ballet or cuisine. Notable literary figures include Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust while famous philosophers Descartes & Rousseau hailed from France too.

Know About Gujarati Language

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken by the Gujarati people in the western state of Gujarat, India. It has around 66 million speakers worldwide and holds official status in both Gujarat and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages, specifically part of the Western branch. Gujarati uses a script derived from Devanagari called "Gujarātī Lipi" or "ગુજરાતી લીપી." Known for its rich literary tradition, it boasts numerous poets like Narsinh Mehta who contributed greatly to medieval devotional poetry known as bhakti movement literature. Additionally, Gujarati plays a significant role among Indian diaspora communities globally due to migration patterns over centuries

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