Georgian to Sundanese Translation


Common Phrases From Georgian to Sundanese

Გმადლობთhatur nuhun
Როგორ ხარ?Kumaha damang?
Მე არ ვიციAbdi henteu terang
მე მესმისAbdi ngartos
ასე ვფიქრობabdi pikir kitu
ᲨესაძლოაTiasa waé
Მოგვიანებით გნახავPendak deui engké
Რა ხდება?Kumaha kabarna?
ᲓაიკიდეHenteu kunanaon
Რა თქმა უნდაTangtosna
ᲬავედითHayu angkat

Interesting information about Georgian Language

Georgian is the official language of Georgia, a country located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. It belongs to the Kartvelian family and has its own unique alphabet consisting of 33 letters. Georgian is one of the oldest living languages with a rich literary tradition dating back over 1,500 years. The language boasts numerous dialects but maintains mutual intelligibility among speakers across regions. Its grammar structure differs from most Indo-European languages as it lacks gender distinctions or articles while employing an agglutinative verb system. Georgian serves as both written and spoken communication for approximately four million people worldwide, primarily in Georgia itself where it holds significant cultural importance alongside other ethnic minority languages such as Abkhaz and Ossetic.

Know About Sundanese Language

Sundanese is a language spoken by the Sundanese people, who primarily reside in West Java, Indonesia. It belongs to the Austronesian language family and has around 40 million speakers worldwide. The script used for writing Sundanese is called "Aksara Sunda," which evolved from ancient Brahmi scripts. The grammar of Sundanese follows subject-verb-object word order and employs affixation to indicate tense, voice, aspect, and other grammatical features. There are three levels of speech registers: formal (used with superiors or strangers), informal (with friends or peers), and colloquial (for close relationships). Sundanese vocabulary reflects influences from Sanskrit as well as Javanese languages due to historical interactions between cultures. Traditional arts like wayang golek puppetry often incorporate songs performed in this melodious tongue.

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