Japanese to Maithili Translation


Common Phrases From Japanese to Maithili

ありがとうअहां कें धन्यवाद
ごめんमाफ क दिय
元気ですか?अहांक कोना छी?
すみませんक्षमा करु
わからないहम नाय जानय छी
わかりましたहम बुझैत छी
そう思いますहमरा तऽ एना बुझाइत अछि
また後でबाद मे भेट होएत
気をつけてख्याल राखू
どうしたの?की होब करय अछि?
どうでもकोनो गप्प नहि

Interesting information about Japanese Language

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by approximately 128 million people in Japan. It belongs to the Japonic language family and has a unique writing system consisting of three scripts: kanji (Chinese characters), hiragana, and katakana (phonetic syllabaries). Japanese grammar follows a subject-object-verb structure, with verb conjugation based on politeness levels. The language includes various honorifics used to show respect when addressing others. Unlike many languages that have gender-specific pronouns, Japanese lacks grammatical gender distinctions. Additionally, it features pitch accent patterns which affect word pronunciation and meaning. Loanwords from English are commonly integrated into everyday speech due to Western influence since the Meiji era in the late 19th century.

Know About Maithili Language

Maithili is an Indo-Aryan language spoken primarily in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal. It has over 35 million speakers worldwide, making it one of the major languages in India. Maithili holds a rich literary tradition with ancient texts dating back to the 12th century. The script used for writing Maithili is derived from Brahmi and resembles Devanagari or Tirhuta scripts. It shares similarities with other Eastern Indic languages like Bengali, Assamese, and Oriya but also exhibits influences from Sanskrit vocabulary. Historically marginalized by Hindi dominance during British rule, efforts have been made to revive its status as an official regional language recognized by Indian authorities since independence. Prominent figures such as Vidyapati Thakur contributed significantly towards establishing Maithili's cultural identity through their poetry and literature.

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