Kazakh to Bosnian Translation


Common Phrases From Kazakh to Bosnian

Рақмет сізгеHvala ti
ӨтінемінMolim te
Сәлеметсіз беzdravo
Сау болыңызDoviđenja
Қалдарыңыз қалай?Kako si?
Мен білмеймінNe znam
Мен түссіндімRazumijem
Мен солай деп ойлаймынMislim da jesam
Кейінірек кездесемізVidimo se kasnije
Өз-өзіңді күтČuvaj se
Не хабар?Šta ima?
Оқасы жоқNema veze

Interesting information about Kazakh Language

Kazakh is a Turkic language spoken mainly in Kazakhstan, where it holds the status of official language. It also has recognition as an official minority language in neighboring countries such as Russia and China. With approximately 13 million native speakers worldwide, Kazakh belongs to the Kipchak branch of the Turkic family of languages. The Kazakh alphabet was initially written using Arabic script until 1929 when Latin-based orthography replaced it; later on, Cyrillic became its writing system from 1940-2017 before switching back to Latin again. This transition aimed at strengthening cultural identity and aligning with other Turkic nations utilizing Latin scripts like Turkey or Azerbaijan.

Know About Bosnian Language

Bosnian is a South Slavic language primarily spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It shares mutual intelligibility with Croatian, Serbian, and Montenegrin due to their similar linguistic origins. The Bosnian alphabet uses Latin script but also incorporates the Cyrillic script for official purposes. With approximately 2 million speakers worldwide, it holds an important place as one of three official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina alongside Croatian and Serbian. The grammar structure of Bosnian follows the rules of Indo-European languages while incorporating some Turkish loanwords from Ottoman rule during its history. Its vocabulary consists mainly of words derived from Serbo-Croatian roots along with influences from other neighboring Balkan countries such as Turkey or Austria-Hungary. Overall, Bosnian serves as an essential means for communication within this culturally diverse region.

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