Swedish to Tatar Translation


Common Phrases From Swedish to Tatar

Snälla duЗинһар
FörlåtГафу итегез
AdjöСау бул
Hur mår du?Нихәл?
Ursäkta migГафу итегез
Jag vet inteБелмим
jag förstårмин аңлыйм
jag tror detшулай дип уйлыйм
Vi ses senareСоңрак күрешербез
Ta hand om digСакланыгыз
Vad händer?Ничек хәлләр?
Glöm detМөһим түгел
Nu går viКиттек

Interesting information about Swedish Language

Swedish is a North Germanic language primarily spoken in Sweden and parts of Finland. It belongs to the Indo-European language family, specifically the East Scandinavian branch. With around 10 million speakers worldwide, Swedish serves as an official language in both Sweden and Finland. The Swedish alphabet consists of 29 letters including three additional characters (Å, Ä, Ö). The grammar follows a subject-verb-object word order with noun inflections for gender (common or neuter) and number (singular or plural). Swedish has influenced English vocabulary through loanwords like "smorgasbord" and "ombudsman." Notable features include tonal accents that can change meanings subtly; however, these are less prominent than in other Scandinavian languages. Literary works by renowned authors such as August Strindberg have contributed significantly to the rich literary tradition within this fascinating Nordic tongue.

Know About Tatar Language

Tatar is a Turkic language spoken primarily in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. It belongs to the Kipchak branch of Turkic languages and has over 7 million speakers worldwide. Tatar uses a modified version of Cyrillic script for writing purposes. The language exhibits several dialects based on regional variations within its native territory. Despite being predominantly used in Tatarstan, it also serves as an official minority language in neighboring regions such as Bashkortostan and Udmurtia. Historically influenced by Mongolic and Arabic languages due to cultural interactions with various empires throughout history, modern-day Tatar incorporates loanwords from these sources alongside Russian vocabulary. Efforts are underway to promote literacy among younger generations through educational initiatives aiming at preserving this rich linguistic heritage.

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