Italian to French Translation


Common Phrases From Italian to French

Per favoreS'il te plaît
ArrivederciAu revoir
Come stai?Comment vas-tu?
Mi scusiExcusez-moi
Non lo soJe ne sais pas
CapiscoJe comprends
credo di siJe pense que oui
ForsePeut être
ArrivederciÀ plus tard
OccuparsiPrends soin de toi
Che cosa succede?Quoi de neuf?
Non importaPas grave
OvviamenteBien sûr
Al momentoTout de suite

Interesting information about Italian Language

Italian is a Romance language spoken by approximately 85 million people worldwide. It originated in Italy and has official status there, as well as in Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, and some regions of Croatia and Slovenia. Italian shares many similarities with other Romance languages such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. Its alphabet consists of 21 letters without the inclusion of J,K,W,X or Y; however these are occasionally used for loanwords from foreign languages. Notably known for its musicality and expressive nature when spoken or sung due to its abundant use of vowels sounds which contribute to its melodic rhythm.

Know About French Language

French is a Romance language spoken by around 280 million people worldwide. It originated in France and has official status in numerous countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada (particularly Quebec), and several African nations. French serves as one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely used for diplomatic purposes. The French alphabet consists of 26 letters with diacritical marks such as accents or cedillas modifying pronunciation. The language employs gender-specific nouns requiring agreement between articles, adjectives, and verbs accordingly. Known for its elegance and sophistication, French has greatly influenced other languages through loanwords like ballet or cuisine. Notable literary figures include Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust while famous philosophers Descartes & Rousseau hailed from France too.

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