Quechua to Azerbaijani Translation


Common Phrases From Quechua to Azerbaijani

RiqsikuykiÇox sağ ol
Ama hinaZəhmət olmasa
Manam yachanichuMən bilmirəm
HamutanimMən başa düşürəm
Chaynatam piensaniMən belə düşünürəm
IchapasOla bilər
TupananchikkamaSonra görüşərik
QawarikuyÖzündən müğayət ol
Imaynallam?Nə var nə yox?
ImaynanpipasEybi yoxdur

Interesting information about Quechua Language

Quechua is an indigenous language spoken by millions of people in the Andean region. It holds official status in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. With over 8 million speakers worldwide, Quechua has a rich history dating back to pre-Columbian times when it was widely used by the Inca Empire. The language exhibits significant regional variation with various dialects being spoken across different communities. Quechuan grammar relies on agglutination where words are formed through adding suffixes or prefixes to roots rather than using separate words for each concept. Despite historical suppression during colonial rule and discrimination thereafter, efforts have been made to revitalize Quechua as part of cultural preservation initiatives throughout South America.

Know About Azerbaijani Language

Azerbaijani, also known as Azeri or Azerbaijani Turkic, is the official language of Azerbaijan. It belongs to the southwestern branch of the Turkic language family and has over 30 million speakers worldwide. The majority of its speakers reside in Azerbaijan and Iran but it's also spoken by communities in Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Iraq and other countries. Azerbaijani uses a modified Latin alphabet since 1991 (previously Cyrillic) with some additional characters for specific sounds. Its grammar follows agglutinative patterns where suffixes are added to words for various grammatical functions such as tense or case marking. Vocabulary-wise it shares similarities with Turkish due to historical connections between these two languages while incorporating Persian loanwords too.

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