Turkmen to Sinhala Translation


Common Phrases From Turkmen to Sinhala

Sagbolඔයාට ස්තූතියි
Haýyş edýärinකරුණාකර
Hoş galආයුබෝවන්
Ýagdaýlaryňyz nähili?ඔයාට කොහොම ද?
Bagyşlaň meniමට සමාවෙන්න
Bilmedimමම දන්නේ නැහැ
men düşündimමට තේරෙනවා
Men şeýle pikir edýärinමම එසේ සිතනවා
Belkiසමහර විට
Soň görüşerisඔයාව පසුව හමුවෙන්නම්
Seresap bolප්රවේසම් වන්න
Näme boldy?මොකක් ද වෙන්නේ?
Hiç wagt pikir etmeගණන් ගන්න එපා
Elbetdeඇත්ත වශයෙන්
Gideliඅපි යමු

Interesting information about Turkmen Language

Turkmen is a Turkic language primarily spoken in Turkmenistan, where it holds the status of official language. It also has significant communities of speakers in Iran and Afghanistan. With approximately 7 million native speakers worldwide, it belongs to the southwestern branch of the Turkic languages family tree. The script used for writing Turkmen underwent several changes throughout history; initially written with Arabic script until Soviet influence introduced Latin-based orthography during the early 20th century. However, by mid-century Cyrillic became dominant due to political reasons but switched back to Latin after independence from USSR. Linguistically, Turkmen shares similarities with other Central Asian languages such as Uzbek and Kazakh while being more distantly related to Turkish or Azerbaijani. Its vocabulary exhibits influences from Persian and Russian due to historical interactions between these cultures.

Know About Sinhala Language

Sinhala, also known as Sinhalese, is the official language of Sri Lanka and spoken by approximately 16 million people. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of languages and has a rich history dating back over two millennia. The script used for writing Sinhala is derived from ancient Brahmi scripts with its own unique characters. Sinhala vocabulary draws influence from Sanskrit, Pali (an ancient Buddhist language), Tamil, English, Dutch and Portuguese due to historical interactions with neighboring countries during different periods. Its grammar follows a subject-verb-object word order pattern. The Sinhala alphabet consists of 56 letters including consonants and vowels that are combined in various ways to form words. There are several dialects within the language based on regional variations across Sri Lanka but Standard Colloquial Sinhalese serves as a common variant understood throughout the country. In addition to being widely spoken in Sri Lanka's urban areas like Colombo or Kandy, it holds significant importance among rural communities where traditional customs prevail alongside modern influences.

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